More about BT's Pilates studio

(return to front page...)

Pictures of the studio, and our weekly routine.

Front desk

Instructor on mat

Instructor on mat - close-up

Mat class setup

Kitchen area

The weekly routine


Set up zoom links and weekly lesson for online Pilates clients Mat class at 6.30pm


Three mat classes!
(times 9.30am 11.00am 6.00pm)
Great, discuss what we're going to do, demonstrate the moves and share a little bit of our lives.


Research and create articles for “BT Pilates solutions” and “BT Pilates school of movement” courses Mat class at 6.30pm


Three mat classes!
(times 9.30am 11.00am 6.30pm)
Greet, discuss what we're going to do, demonstrate the moves and share a little bit of our lives. (A lot of old farm clients at my 9:30 AM!)
Cleanse the equipment with safe and natural Vinegar and Borax solutions


Send out accounts and makeup mat class appointments. Process video clips of Pilates teaching moments for “BT’s Pilates Blog”


Athletics and cross country races (the joy of taking part)!


Study God's word and try to be a better person!