More about BT's Pilates studio
Pictures of the studio, and our weekly routine.
Front desk

Instructor on mat

Instructor on mat - close-up

Mat class setup

Kitchen area

The weekly routine
Set up zoom links and weekly lesson for online Pilates clients Mat class at 6.30pmTuesday:
Three mat classes!(times 9.30am 11.00am 6.00pm)
Great, discuss what we're going to do, demonstrate the moves and share a little bit of our lives.
Research and create articles for “BT Pilates solutions” and “BT Pilates school of movement” courses Mat class at 6.30pmThursday:
Three mat classes!(times 9.30am 11.00am 6.30pm)
Greet, discuss what we're going to do, demonstrate the moves and share a little bit of our lives. (A lot of old farm clients at my 9:30 AM!)
Cleanse the equipment with safe and natural Vinegar and Borax solutions