Client services
1. Mat classes
Check our scheduled times, and request a booking!-
2. Studio workouts delivered online to your living room!
Five times a week you can join us directly from your lounge, living room or garage. You are welcome to have friends and family there too. Works best when you connect your device (computer, i-pad or cell phone) to your TV screen. (You can google how to do that)
(This service comes with a paid subscription ($20 monthly, you can unsubscribe at any time), to Bt’s Pilates blog - see item 4 below.
3. One-on-one appointments
Mostly this is for fitness assessment and home exercise prescription. But we also do foot joint mobilisation and Bowen therapy. We also provide coaching on diet and lifestyle, and strategies for thriving in a difficult world ($80 per hour).
It’s best to text, phone, or email me with your questions. (Tap on the link below). And we can take it from there. .
4. Bt’s pilates Blog
A standard subscription to Bt’s Pilates Blog provides many of the blog’s videos and exercises for free.
A paid subscription to Bt’s Pilates blog ($20 monthly) brings more videos and additionally, access to live online mat classes delivered to your home (client service 2, above).
5. Bt’s Healthy Living Blog
Since we can’t be happy if we’re unhealthy, I provide a blog to educate clients and all my friends everywhere, to be healthy and happy!
(Bt’s Healthy Living blog is unique…)
I’m a Pilates instructor with 18 years of experience and an ex-veterinarian with 25 years of experience. That’s a unique combination in the health and fitness industry. Don’t take my word for it. Check it out for yourself!
6. Weekly newsletter: Bt’s Pilates Studio News
Keeps you updated and informed about our studio mat classes and online blogs (see above). Occasionally there are some free offers, too. So it’s worth subscribing!